Daily UI 010- Clueless Outfit Picker, Updated

So, I may have gone a little overboard for this Daily UI challenge... Day 10 asks to design a social share. I tried to think of what sorts of things people might actually want to share with friends or family. Often, apps or sites prompt users to share things like achievements, which I wanted to avoid. Rather, I thought it would be more fun for a user to be able to share something they'd made. But what type of thing can the average user make? Then it hit me-- Cher Horowitz's outfit software from Clueless. If it had been conceived of today, surely there would be a social share feature to show outfits to friends. I designed the basic interface for an updated version of this program, this time imagined as a desktop app, with social share prominently featured.

Posted on Mar 30, 2022

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