ZJam | The main Game Jam in Aragon

Logo created from a gamepad, the iconic control from which we select the crosshead and the interaction buttons. We will keep them lined up horizontally so they don't lose their ID. Understanding this name implies differentiating Z from the rest, while maintaining the union... We are talking about the most important Game Jam in Aragon and Z should have its own space and color.

The Motiva Sans Bold stick typeface is the choosen.

Joining Z and J to link both parts despite the different scale gives two spaces of their own and at the same time united, within a common framework that is the contour of the gamepad, dispensing with one of its supports to insinuate a speech bubble.

The coincidence of the point of the J with one of the 4 buttons is sought... or with the 4, although only one corresponds to the black color of JAM.



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