EMICLO - eCommerce Fashion/Clothing App - UI Concept Design

Please read this description in its entirety! It would be much appreciated

Hi Dribbble Community,

Five days after I started my UI/UX journey, I have created another project to add to my portfolio - I present to you EMICLO, an eCommerce mobile application.

The design idea was based on three things:

  • A glassmorphic-inspired UI that both is easy on the eyes while also breathing life into commonly seen solid colors (like black, gray, white or off-white) in fashion eCommerce apps

  • The user has the ability to see what clothing size the model is wearing, which is a feature seen in a competing fashion eCommerce platform, SHEIN

  • The Lookbook tab - a unique feature that combines the features of dating and fashion apps that shows models wearing EMICLO merchandise based on the user's clothing style that is analyzed by the app. Users can like, dislike, save the look or immediately add all of the model's advertised clothing into the user's cart.

Do understand that I am still new to UI/UX - there will be mistakes and imperfections, but that is where I would like you, the person viewing this design, to give honest and constructive feedback so that I can grow to become a better artist.

All support, endorsements and comments are welcome. Thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy description!

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