Symposium Sangue na Guelra 2018

A space for debate, exchange of ideas and sharing of knowledge, the Sangue na Guelra Symposium promotes discussion on the most relevant topics in gastronomy, and brings some of its protagonists to Portugal.

In 2018 the theme of the event was #cooktivism with three key mottos, Identity, Sustainability and Action. We were inspired by the Manifesto for the Future of Portuguese Cuisine, launched in 2017, in which its authors made a commitment to political action that emphasizes respect for the seasonality of products, responsible consumption, the right of all children to know their food identity; the value of family products, the defense of indigenous and locally produced products, and the sustainability of production methods.

Taking this document to the practical level, mobilizing the main agents of national gastronomy to work on the ground with institutions and specialized bodies and focused on different areas, was the top goal of the SNG Symposium 2018.

Some of the main Speakers were: Alex Atala, the most awarded Brazilian chef, founder of the ATA institute; Francisco Sarmento, FAO representative in Portugal; Alexandra Forbes, gastronomy journalist, founder of Refettorio Gastromotiva in Rio de Janeiro.

I participated on all visuals as well as on the conception and strategy of the event. Hope you enjoy it!

Take a look at Sangue na Guelra's Intagram here :)

Inês Músico
Graphics, social media and events

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