Brand identity

About the project:

  • Develop an identity for a bag brand called Khovanets, which translates as hiding. The bags themselves are bright, and the target audience is 16-30 years old, creative, and socially active people.

The main requirement for the logo and identity is a minimalist style, but it is allowed to be creative.


I decided to stay on the brand name (hide) and reflected it in the logo.

  • The letters are arranged in such a way that it seems that they are hiding behind each other.

  • The green is the accent color in the logo and identity, as the brand owner said that in the future they want to create a website and Instagram page, so they can use this color to identify the brand.

  • The posters and T-shirts were designed to follow the concept - hide. Reflected as having something hidden inside.

  • The green color was chosen as the accent color because it represents the vivacity that is suitable for the target audience of the brand.

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