[P]Rehab Case Study

Another successful project! Check out the details of our latest client, [P]Rehab.

The problem

[P]Rehab initially reached out to Caviar for a brand refresh and to redesign their mobile app for their MVP launch. Their original branding was steady and clean, but they needed something more visually appealing and something that would help them standout in their field. Competing with other brands such as Peloton, [P]Rehab needed something fresh and effective.

The solution

We needed to create something to match their new branding vision that still corresponded with their existing mission. They wanted something that could stand with their competition while also staying true to what they stand for, Control and Health.

After doing some research, trail runs, and collaborating with their highly skilled team we created their new design rebrand. We provided them with a new clean, sleek, and powerful branding guide. Choosing a color palette that closely connects to their motto, “Empowering people to take care of their health”.

As for the mobile app, after getting the branding approved we got started working. Each of the screen was designed to mimic their website while also having new elements that made it easy to access instructional videos and track progress.

The result

After a 2 month sprint, we successfully delivered the revamped [P]Rehab brand and mobile app. We’re beyond grateful to be apart of [P]Rehab’s journey and can’t wait to see how far they go with their new branding!

We hope you enjoyed the inside look at one of our newest clients!

Who is Caviar?

Caviar is a design agency dedicated to helping clients bring their vision to life. We specialize in a variety of design skills including, but not limited too: UI, Web Design, Mobile Design, Illustrations, and Product Design. Our motto is “Building brands, websites and experiences” we take pride in making sure that Caviar is an agency that not only gives high-quality designs but high-quality experiences. 

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