Hill Country Bible Church Leander logo motion

Hey there! Like animated logos?

Here's the story.

The logo animation story is pretty goofy! All part of my graphic design work as a volunteer for our church, Hill Country Bible Church Leander. It’s an example of the randomness of erudite trial-and-error lending fortune. First of all, it was totally unsolicited. So after a few practice runs learning motion techniques on After Effects, I was extra-eager to try animating a logo. I created a clunky interpretation of the HCBCL logo, weaving itself into creation. I gave it an intense blur to make it look like a light-saber (our senior pastor is a Star Wars fan), and did a motion for our title, only instead of Hill Country, I typed our youth pastors name. Then shared it with our senior pastor and creative arts pastor. Surprisingly, they asked me if they could use it as a bumper for a video project in the works.

So, I cracked my knuckles and got to work refining the shapes and easing of the animation. Slowly, I worked out the fine-tuning that is necessary for giving life to a beautiful mark as such. Once I was satisfied, I animated the title. It’s persona had to be on par with the logo—striking & bold, yet simple. What I’ve really enjoyed about this identity (which was implemented in 2020) is that it fits with the doctrinal essence of our church while also subtly invoking church history. The mark feels celtic in form, it’s woven like some medieval symbol. The typeface, Futura, while being an obviously modern staple, actually has a historic signification with the proportion of its design. Pair it with a roman face like Trajan, and you’ll see how Futura is actually not so ignorant to ancient tradition. It’s a whimsical thought for a refomer who’s fond of theological retrieval.

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