Sweet Jane E-Commerce App

With the recent changes in the legalisation of Cannabis and the Cannabis related market within South Africa, a large gap for a brand that is unique, aesthetically appealing and has an easy to use platform for shopping has formed.

The Cannabis market offers not only large growth and investment opportunities but also offers people natural options to assist with sleep, pain, anxiety and so much more. I also believe that the way these products are branded and sold can go a long way in destigmatize something that can help many people.

The aim of this app is to give people an easy to use one stop shop for Sweet Jane products and other brands that they have collaborated with. I also wanted to focus on giving people more information on the products they are buying so that they can make an informed choice. At current this is not something that is common within the South African market so it’s mostly a guessing game when picking products. Due to the nature of the product it’s important for people to understand what they are consuming.

More by Danielle Smit

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