Recylo - Other Features
Here are some other features of the Recylo app that I have been recently sharing over at Dribbble.
1) Contribute:
I decided to include a contribute feature/page where users may easily contribute in order to expand this entire initiative. They can put in a regular trash can, recommend a location for an electric recycle bin, write a review, and submit a video tip to help keep the city clean.
2) Saved:
Users can use this "saved" page to find all of the items they have recently recycled using their paired-bins, as well as make a list of saved dustbins that are closest to them. A user never has to re-pair a bin after it has been paired... it is automatically saved in the recently recycled section based on the garbage category.
And a lot more...
To find out more features; please have a look at my case study below and don't forget to like or comment to keep the algorithm rolling! 😃👊
This was our approach to cleaning up the environment and society in which we live by engaging the help of community to contribute and accomplish as much as we can. 😉💯
Design, Interactions & Animations - Adobe XD
Map - Mapbox Plugin (for Adobe XD)
Icons - &
Images - Google & Unsplash
Loved my work? Feel free to email me at [email protected] or just hit me up here on Dribbble.
Or do you simply want to talk user experience, product design, and technology in general? I am always available on LinkedIn and Instagram; let's connect, I will be happy to chat with you.