Airbnb new features & UI
Check the video here:
As a friendly user of Airbnb I wanted to improve the UX/UI according to my own approach of the website and the app. Without any analytics and more as a personal exciting challenge I try to enhance some features:
• Add ranking > as a user I know quickly if I want to click on the rental ad
• Remove sidebar navigation (App) > too confusing while swiping
• Improve the Discover > create categories because I don't know where to go but I know what I want to do.
• Reduce the back & forth > Lightbox and swipe on open ads
• Add a map > make it more intuitive
• Suggest some places > Airbnbook using a UCG (user content generator). People create and share their book to their friends as everybody can check all these favorite places. And why not reward those users?
This idea for an Airbnbook is something that complete a need for the users who want to share their experience with other travelers or friends. While I'm traveling or organizing my vacation I can use this feature at anytime!