Ego is the Enemy Dust Jacket Design

Another great book by Ryan Holiday. Check out Obstacle is the Way and Stillness is the Key

This is also one of my personal favourite works as a graphic design project but also as a reading. I read this book back in 2019, and coincidentally my next project was to redesign a dust jacket cover for a hardcover book. 

The original cover is blue with a bust sliced off, I am not sure how that represents ego being the enemy, so I decided to use illustrations that anyone around the world would recognize; the chess game. In Chess, the pawn being the unit worth the least amount of points and the Queen being one of the most important; the illustration depicts the pawn casting the shadow of a queen.

The typeface I chose is Futura, a big bold sans-serif typeface. The right-hand side is the title of the book being repeated in a subtle gray color, I inspired myself from the cover of the infinite game by Simon Sinek (I also recommend).

©James Xiao 2021

This project was created for educational purpose, this project is not meant to be sold nor is it meant to impersonate or copy from Ryan Holiday.

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