Remote Dream

Maybe it's time to start moving away from the popular and misused Corporate Memphis style.

How will the illustrations look in Post Corporate Memphis, or After Corp Memphis? We don't know for sure, but we believe that the first steps go through surrealism, abstraction and personalization.



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We are your best alternative to freelance developers 😉

1950Labs is a boutique software development shop specialized in remote staffing 👨‍💻👨‍💻👨‍💻

Our main expertise is with Fintech & Automotive industries, using Microsoft technologies and modern Front End frameworks like AngularJS, Angular2, ReactJS and Boostrap.

We manage the biggest local networking group of developers (UruguayIT). Due that, if we don't have available the talent you need, we can find it faster than any other company in LATAM.

Please route all busineess inquiries to [email protected].

We develop quality software with good design
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