Be First mobile app design
I am amazed at how quickly the whole life went online. You no longer need to look for a job not far from home or with a comfortable and beautiful office. Now you can make it from your favorite apartment and go to rallies in pajamas. Can you imagine?So blow my mind! So catch a cool app for finding freelance projects or full-time jobs. That’s why I created such a cool, relaxed illustration. The application itself is lightweight and enjoyable. It doesn’t overwhelm with anything in it; on the contrary, it layers on the positive and openness to new things.I am delighted with the result.The design is clean and neat. What do you think? I look forward to your comments and your “L” — I want to know how much you like this work!
Design — Figma
Illustration — Adobe Illustrator
💌 I am open to new projects! [email protected]