Jack's Bar Website Live

We are extremely proud to announce the launch of the Jack’s Bar website today!

This project has been particularly pleasing to work on for the team here as our client was fantastically welcoming to our ideas and gave us almost complete freedom over the design. The result of this was that we were really able to go all out on the project, carrying out a photo-shoot to capture the vibe of the place and do the fantastic food and drink justice along with a fully custom icon set and carefully constructed typographic stacks.

Along with the fancy design elements we went over the front-end development with a fine-comb to ensure the interactions were all in keeping with special care going in to the menu modal windows, ensuring they look great on all devices as there is nothing more frustrating then having to download a PDF menu that hasn’t been updated for years!

So please go forth and check out the website, full pixels attached as well. Look forward to hearing what you guys think!

Unseen Studio®
Creating the Unexpected™️
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