πŸŽ‰ Life Update

With a background in design, I've always worked very closely with developers/engineers to bring my work to life in the digital space. Curious to peek behind the curtain, I stepped away from my job as a Visual Designer at Dwolla in May and enrolled in BloomTech's Full Stack Web Development program. After six months of countless git commits and energy drinks, we made it! It's the most challenging, yet rewarding, thing that I've ever done.

So what's next? I'd love to join a design-centric company breaking down the barriers for designers to see their ideas go live. If you or someone you know has an open spot on the team (in design, development, or something completely different) that you feel I would be a good fit for, let's chat. If graduating from BloomTech has left me with anything, it's to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Learning is a constant journey. Enjoy it. Let's get back to work!

TL;DR Currently looking for a job in design, development, or related!

Kenny Miesner
Product Design @brale_xyz

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