TUSS D+ Task Management System - Sign Up Wizard

My dad initially founded the company TUSSolution, which started as a social system engineering company in 2016 (providing policies, business processes, KPIs, etc). And 3 years ago, as I finished my University as an Electrical engineer, I joined the company and initiated the project of digitalizing the company's service, which ended up as a SaaS product this year. Throughout these 3 years, me and my team had many ups and downs, and a lot of us had to learn everything from scratch. Some of our year's worth of projects ended up as a failure, which we learned so much from. In addition, as a project manager I had to pick up any job left roleless, which includes Designing the User Interface, User Experience; Architecting the Database, and researching the technologies.

And finally, our company is releasing this product after 3 years and would like to send out all my regards to our team.

If anyone is interested, please check out our product here at: www.tuss.io

And feel free to let me know your thoughts and criticism regarding our product aesthetics and design.

More by Батдорж Жаргалсайхан

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