Digital Character Sheet Redesign

I've been using the D&D Beyond digital character sheet in my sessions lately and have been playing around with making a more "dense" version of theirs. I wanted it to feel closer to their original paper character sheets which could be easily (albeit with some practice) glanced at for things like health, spell slots, saving throws etc without having to flip through different sheets or, in this case, menus.

The current iPad App D&D Beyond separates a lot of different things into individual screens, meaning I'm constantly popping into a menu to get to a screen that I might only need for quick reference. It's for this reason that I decided to go with a two-column approach.

The left column would be static and display things that I always want to be aware of. Kind of like a video game HUD, this includes things like health, resources (spell slots, ki, etc) and conditions. Below is easy access to ability checks and saving throws. I could also see this column as something the user could customize at some point based on their playstyles.

The right column would be where the user can choose what to focus on depending on the situation. The top navigation section provides easy access to swapping between Actions, Spells, Inventory, etc. These screens would scroll vertically within the container. Similar to the current behaviour of the D&D Beyond app, tapping on items would initiate a roll when necessary or provide more details for things like equipment.

The visual design is inspired by things like iOS 15/macOS's control center mainly because of how they can cleanly separate multiple different settings or bits of information.

This is a work in progress and the sheer amount of information that I feel needs to be communicated to the user makes this a tedious process, which is also why I've opted to just reuse the palette that D&D Beyond uses to make it easier on myself. Maybe I'll get a prototype up and running at some point.

*Disclaimer - I'm aware that the dummy info used isn't accurate when considering the rules of the game and is purely for illustrating design ideas.