Daily Driver 001 — 2017 Audi A4 Allroad Quattro — The Chancellor

Well, shit. Guess this is a car account now. Behold the prize of my late 20s: a 2017 Audi A4 Allroad Quattttro. Call her The Chancellor — in honor of Angela Merkel, leader of the free world. You can also call her Madame Chancellor, The Chance, The Merk Mobile, The Shady Lady, The Rhombus of the Rhine, The Dame of Deutschland, The Booty Wagon, Angie, The Caress — or just Chancy.

I got a series of concepts in the queue: 80s europeans, armored dictator sedans, grocery getters, uglies, rally beasts and rappers' whips. Oh and wagons. A shitonna wagons.

Keep the greasy side down & watch out for bears. Up next is another take on the Allroad.

Kathryn Sutton
servin' up crispy pixels

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