The Standard of Living • Dorothy Parker

The Standard of Living • Dorothy Parker 

This one was a very interesting read and perfectly shows how we are never satisfied no matter how much we have or want. We always want more. I decided to use a small detail for the cover mentioned in the story. Read a short synopsis below.

About the project: This is the third cover of my illustrated series of 50 classic short stories with a modern twist. I’m reading 50 Great Short Stories published by Bantam Books and making my version of the covers for each story as a personal project with the goal of expanding my portfolio and book cover design skills.  


The story follows two women working in the same office, being of similar build and liking similar things. On their lunch break they play a game „What if you had a chance to receive a million dollars?“ but in order to get the money you have to spend every penny on yourself. One day they see a pearl necklace in the store window and they decide to go in and see how much it costs. When they find out it’s almost a quarter of a million dollars they leave and when they play the game again it’s „What if you had the chance to receive 10 million dollars?“ 

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