Prime Video Filtering and Results

My initial thoughts when trying to search for something to watch on Prime Video TV app were: How to make the experience feel more personal? What’s the first thing I want to see on the home page? What's an easy way to view what’s available by category? How to view the movie descriptions without having to click on every image?

Although I've drawn up the whole experience based on my questions above, browsing for options is the main area I've chosen to share.

The image above displays a user's experience broken down as:

First level

Less options at the top level - Can quickly establish what information will be returned on clicking on the main options. Takes away information being thrown out there and having to wade/scroll through it all. For me, the top level options are:

  • My Watch List

  • Prime (Free for Me)

  • Prime Deals

  • Store (£)

Second level

On selecting from the main options you are presented with filtering options. This directs the user to quickly filter out a great deal of information just by specifying:

  • Categories

  • Genres

Third level

The final level is the results page which lists the filtered options and provides one last option to make a choice between:

  • Movie

  • TV


Would love to have your thoughts/feedback.