Student Portal Dashboard | Secondary School | UX/UI case study

Project description

UX/UI case study and concept development.


Today, about 75% of interactive school/teacher/student/parent web portals have outdated visual design, complex user flows, and hard-to-use interfaces. These applications, in most cases, aren't customizable, have lots of undiscoverable functionalities, and in many cases missing features.

My Role

In this project, I took the initiative to research and study the current situation with school portal dashboards and create an example of how it could potentially look like if the UX design is taken to the next level and a new, fresh UI is implemented.

In my role, I've covered:

• research through existing dashboards

• user interviews (qualitative research);

• creation of user persona;

• working on user flows;

• building the information architecture;

• wireframes and mockups;

• usability testing;

• learning feedback, and outcomes.less

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