Fantasy Football App

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Heeey guys! Take a look at our shot — an app for fantasy football ⚽️

1️⃣st screen: onboarding. Users get introduced to the app and proceed further.

2️⃣nd screen: player’s profile. There you may track the key info: 💰 value 👥 team 🏟 last match 📊 performance diagram

3️⃣rd screen: info about my team. There you see the number of players, budget, team composition, and the next game. Below you may also see which team your players are currently at. On the scheme, you also see, if the player was disqualified or got injured.

🟠 ⚫️ We used the combination of orange and black. Such a combination brings dynamics into the app. The orange also charges users energetically and makes them positive.

Press 💜 if you like our design and share feedback! P.S. If you want to gain insight into UI/UX design trends, check out our article. Interface by Denis Derbenev Motion by Vladislav Korotkov

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