
With the advent of work-from-home, the general perception has switched to trade-from-home, too. Naturally, interest in trading-related topics has spiked. MiltonPrime, a key player in the field, with countless years of experience, reached out to us to apply a modern spin on their website, to better reflect their current forward-thinking mindset.

We know a thing or two about forward-thinking, and knew exactly what’s required.
The financial aspect was preserved (to make a strong first impression), but visuals received a substantial eye-candy overhaul. We couldn’t wait to share it with the world, so, you’re welcome.

Design team:
Roman Belyaev
Pavel Prannychuk
Maryna Seleznova

Feel like your website could use some eye-candy, too? Let us know at [email protected].

Báchoo Studio
Architecting the digital.

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