Ogest Supermarket - Brand Identity Design

Ogest - Brand Identity Design

Ogest is a supermarket based in Keynsham, UK. They started as a small local store in 2006. from the beginning, they didn't even have a proper logo, but Ogest hasn't had many competitors at that time. Hence, they were able to grow faster, establish trust, and build a loyal consumer base.

They told me they were going to open new branches and expand their products. That is why we decided to go for branding.

1) Creating a new fresh, welcoming identity that fits their core values, their brand essence, & their existing and targeted audience.
2) Build a method to keep consistency throughout their package designs for the upcoming product line

1) I developed an identity that expresses elegant, welcoming, loyal
feelings that fit with the targeted audience while keeping it not too
extravagant; otherwise, it does not fit with the existing client base.
2) I was able to develop to create a design system for Ogest. So with the design system, they don't have to worry about their consistency, and they can quickly expand their package designs for upcoming products.

Click here to see the complete project & more details - https://www.behance.net/gallery/124865791/Ogest-Supermarket-Branding.


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