Recipe | DailyUI 040
Hey! How's your day going? Today's challenge was to make a 'recipe'. I have to say, I really liked the concept of this screen that I made.
So, the recipe has the picture at the top.Along with a 'back' button and a heart to save to favourites. It's a really simple elegant style that I think suits the kitchen/food ambience. Below the title theres a little text that shows the calories per serving. Then there's 3 important stats: serving, total prep time and difficulty. Then there are 3 information cards, it's supposed to act as a carousel so you can swipe between cards and scroll on each one. The first card shows ingredients with the correspondent amounts. The one to the left shows all of the nutritional information that it's really important for some people. The mockup crops one column of this card, but it shows the daily % that each category represents. And last but not least, the third card shows the preparation steps.
I really loved the style of this one. What do you think? What would you change? I would love to hear your comments! #DailyUI