Mobile app for Restaurant Ordering / Flower Delivery App / Cake Delivery App/ Grocery Delivery App Or Any OnDemand Delivery Application.

A professional Food ordering mobile app development in Android and iOS makes the order process easier with Molaj Development Company.

How Does This App Work?

Customer App-
Stay on top of the minds of your customers by giving a smart food ordering choice with the customer's app. The menu that adds simple to cart for placing orders, easy filter option, a variety of popular payment gateways creating intuitive mobile food ordering software. Give your customers a professional ordering experience with our exclusive customer’s app.

Restaurant app-
Eateries can satisfy the taste bud of its customers by using an extensive restaurant’s app. Instant notification received by the restaurants to know the new orders and prepare the food to reach the earliest. Easy menu management, order management, and stock management for timely updates about the stock availability in the restaurant.

Rider app-
The daily pickup and delivery task is made simple with our riders app. Our in-built navigation in Riders app will let the riders just key in the location of the eager customers finding the best routes and save time to reach customers without any lag. Riders can monitor their up-to-date earnings and commission single-handed with their riders app.

Are You Willing To Get A Comprehensive Mobile Application
For Restaurants, Flower, Grocery, Or Cake?
Check The Link For Free Consultation

Love To See Some Features Of The App?

-Delivery executive live tracking
-Flexible payment methods
-App navigation
-Commision tracking reports
-Instant push notification
-Delivery order status
-Rider status availability

Don’t miss to look at our demo!

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