Sword Monkey Studios - Brand Design

Sword Monkey Studios, formerly know as Aurava Software, is a full-service software development and game development operation, from Canada.

They handle everything from video game console development ports to game development, custom application development, website development and everything in between.

Sword Monkey got in touch and wanted to rebrand the company from Aurava Software to a new name and whole new brand appearance. The main aspects of the brand to be a ‘cartoonish illustration of a ninja monkey wielding a scimitar sword’

Of course, they didn’t want to look unprofessional in this brand design, they wanted it to be BOLD, less childish and friendly, more agile and bad ass.

The main colour scheme of black and red aided this perfectly to match the idea I had in mind of a silhouette ninja stance with an out-stretched sword. Taking ispiration from the way ninja’s are portrayed in common media as being ominous and sleek.

Illustrating a character from scratch for a brand design is always a hard task when having to consider things like scalability and how it can be used in other mediums.

On top of that. It has to look good. So initially, the actual sword monkey, looked a whole lot different till we landed on the final design.

Around the time Sword Monkey got in touch with me, I was looking as to how I could change up my style of work. Looking into things like how the work was produced as well as what the client ‘got out of it’It learned that, some brands need a whole lot more than just a single logo, so I put together a bunch of brand design variables to be used in areas where the main logo might not fit so well.

The font used for Sword Monkey Studios is a font called ‘Bungee’ found on google fonts, it comes in a regular weight and a hairline weight.The choice to go with bungee was made due to the way it presents itself as its own asset in a bold but playful manner.By taking the font and creating a secondary brand asset out of it by ‘slashing’ though the word ‘sword’this gave the word mark its own unique standing that the brand could use in place of the Sword Monkey character.

Check out Sword Monkey Studios at http://swordmonkey.com

Thanks! Daniel

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