Huge Survey®: Create Survey

Hey, Y'all! 👋

Here is another shot from The Huge Survey® project. Here you can see the main focus on the elements that would go into creating a survey.

1. Element Collaborating activity: Here we have a feature to share the draft with-in teams, for them to audit the survey questions, even before sending it out to the participants. This can be enabled by clicking on 'add teammates' and collaborate in a frictionless manner. Here as a user we can see people/users, who are actively editing or looking at a survey. Also, an option of a :private link', can be shared within the team, maybe with a VP, without having added them to the task.
- Answering flexibility of sharing (with certain privacy/team restrictions).

2. Grouping of survey questions: Sometimes, survey themes are required within a survey to for labelling purpose of certain data sets that we would be gathering.
- In order to enable the creation of flows/themes, we have a dedicated trackable flow.

3. Questions Library: There's nothing greater than learning from past research/mistakes. So we enabled an option to pick questions used from previous surveys and copy them to the new survey.
- enabling, to measure and capture the change of mood/decisions/behaviour in participants.

4. End of Survey/Reward system: Reward programs are sometimes tricky and require partnering with third-party apps/companies. Any company using 'Huge', can embed the participants into an ongoing reward program and please them for their valuable feedback with points-reward system. All in built.
- Keeping the feedback loop open and rewarding.

Check the design and please provide feedback.

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