The Defeat of Māra under the Bodhi tree.

Then, as this great festival with the Lord of the Gods and his hosts was proceeding, the Wicked Māra thought thus: “So this successful prince Siddhattha wishes to escape from my sphere of influence, straight away I will make him unsuccessful”, and he created a thousand broad and terrible arms, and collected various blazing weapons with them, and mounted the charming and fierce tusker called Girimekhala, who was one hundred and fifty leagues in extent. Then, surrounded by his army, which had many faces, fire-coloured hair, broad red circular protruding eyes, terrible lip-biting mouths, snake-like arms, and various weapons, he approached that place, and while roaring a most terrible roar, he ordered: “Seize and bind Siddhattha”; and with the sight of that the hosts of Gods were put to flight, like cotton that has arisen in a violent wind.

May you find your inner peace on this Vesak day!

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