Last night I found myself working on one point perspective. I’ve always really admired artists who can show perspective in their work. I struggle with using one point, using more than one in a 2D piece seems almost impossible to me. I’m not one of those artists that went to a school to learn professionally. I went to the school of Youtube and Pinterest. I actually started painting before anything else.
I was diagnosed with Complex PTSD in 2014. Poetry used to be my art, and how I got my emotions out. However, I lost it. Somehow, I lost that part of myself somewhere along the way. I ended up realizing I needed something to help me. Meds didn’t work, they only made me feel numb. Counseling felt useless, I couldn’t connect. I discovered art healing and fell…in…love.
So, back to perspective. I was thinking that art is always about perspective. Whether or not you’re using it as a technique or viewing a piece of art in a way that touches YOUR soul. Perspective is everything.