Daily UI 010 Social Share Button

For today's challenge, I added a little flare to the share button by adding a slight gradient and incorporating the brand color. I kept with a serif font to mimic a smart, established, journalistic feel.

For the actual share interaction, I stuck with normal user patterns but incorporated a few design ideas of my own.

First off, I separated the options to share with others from the options to share with general audiences on different platforms. I separated the sections with a very light grey bar to keep these categories distinct.

Second, I decided to go with a darker text for the subtitles of the logos and profile pictures. I wanted to create more contrast so that users could identify what they were reading and which account they were trying to click on.

Lastly, I staggered the icons for legibility so the user isn't forced to look at a block of social logos. This way, the readers gaze is intentionally led one icon to the next, creating contrast and separation.

As always, any feedback is welcome!

More by Jason Garrison

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