Client: Zine Swap #4: Paper Cuts and Zine Swap #5: Confetti
Product: Zine
Date: 2016-2017

As part of an Adelaide quarterly zine swap event curated by Zombie Queen, a number of Adelaide creatives were selected to participate and exhibit our works in Zine Swap #4: Paper Cuts and Zine Swap #5: Confetti. Zines are a small-circulation and self-published printed medium that act as a window to someone’s mind.

Both these zines were created while I was writing my thesis on design ethics, thus I used this opportunity as an effort to close the gap between the public’s understanding of communication designers and its reality. During my research, I hypothesised how there may be a correlation between the public’s misconceptions of design and design ethics.

The profanity used act as a tongue-in-cheek attempt to attract the attention of the audience that mainly consists of young adults. *ZERO FUCKS* is a satirical take on unethical designers and their practice, who without such a title may not otherwise give these zines a glance. The ambiguous and noncommittal cover of this zine gently leads readers to an important discussion. *WHY SHOULD YOU GIVE A FUCK?* is the sequel which attempts to maintain the conversation facilitated by the predecessor zine. It includes resources for further reading, specifically targeting emerging designers, design enthusiasts and other interested creatives.

Creating these zines sparked inspiration and proved to be a useful reminder why I investigated this topic in the first place. Additionally, I was able to place myself as both a designer and a researcher in society.

Full zines can be read at issuu.com/callmeayya.

More by Darasti Zahira (Ayya)

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