Turaci Azerbaijan folk dance. Hand lettering series

An ancient dance dating back to 19th century, dedicated to a beautiful mountain bird. There is a legend in Nakhchivan about the “Turaji” dance: Karabakh khan – Najafgulu had a very beautiful dancer, khan highly appreciated her beauty and talent. Once at the wedding of khan’s son this dancer woman demonstrates miracles of very nice and gentle art of dance. Khan astonished by the wonders of this art said aloud: “You dance like turaj”. Since then, this dance performed by the dancer is called “Turaji”. The dance reminds the flight of turaj. Turaj flies slightly. But suddenly hunter takes aim at her, wounded and weakening bird flutters across the stage, falls to the ground exhausted, then gathers strength again, flies joyfully and passionately. Every move of dancing woman is reminiscent of bird’s fly and float in the air.

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