Londoners on the Tube (Before Covid)

Londoners on the Tube (Before Covid). I miss what I used to hate (and I will hate again soon, hopefully).

Update: I drew this illustration during the first lock down of the Pandemic, whilst stuck in Italy. The Tube was one of the places I hated the most, I really didn't like to wait for 7 trains and then finally managing to get into a carriage where people were pack as sardines.

Yet, during the pandemic something in my perception changed, I mean, I knew it was only abstract nostalgia, but this illustration came to my mind. We didn't know when we would have been able to live life as 'before'. I ended up romanticising about been pack as sardines, not in a million years I would have thought that I could have think that (and probably it won't even happen again).

This is the actual story behind this illustration. ;)

More by Manuela Fiori - aka Manuska Flowers

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