
Pepp & Depp was created during Hackaway and built in 24 hours.

You may not think that the weather effects us that much, but around hundred thousand read the weather updates every day. Its also the main thing we talk about when we don’t have anny more subjects to talk about. The weather impacts what we wear and buy. The weather also has an impact how we plan things – if the weather is nice we often do outdoor activities and during bad weather we may visit the movies. But most of all weather effects our mood. on a rainy day everything feels a bit harder. However. we all know the feeling of seeing our friends faces light up with a smile when the sun shines, resulting in our minds to open up with a willingness to seize the day.

So thats why we created peep and depp, to present weather in a funnier way.

By: Stina Andersson, Jeanette Eriksson & Sara Gärdegård

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