A series of 13 large-format portraits plus 2 wall murals for the office interiors of the international company Webinterpret located in Warsaw. A multi-level, extremely interesting project commissioned by an international company from the web commerce software segment, consisting in portraying 12 historical figures of scientists and inventors of key importance for the development of science and technology. Each of the portraits was placed on the glass walls of the 13 meeting room located in the office space. In addition, the meeting rooms were named after the cities from which the portrayed scientists came or were related, e.g. New York, Boston, Belgrade, and Warsaw as a portrait of the city on the glass of the company's canteen. Additionally, I designed 2 murals on the walls of the company: the first one at the reception desk is a work welcoming guests and contains the company's motto: Here Innovation Starts With You. Another mural, several meters long, visualizes various, key for the development of technology, according to company inventions. Here is a list of the portrayed characters with their most important scientific achievement: GUIDO VAN ROSSUM (Python language) _AMSTERDAM NIKOLA TESLA (Alternating current) _BELGRADE KONRAD ZUSE (The world's first programmable computer) _BERLIN JOHN MCCARTHY (Artificial intelligence AI) _BOSTON JOAN CLARKE (Code breaker, cryptoanalysis) _CAMBRIDGE Alexander G. Bell (telephone) _EDINBURGH LINUS TORVALDS (Linux) _HELSINKI ADA LOVELACE (Algorithm) _LONDON KEN THOMPSON (C programming language) _NEW ORLEAN GRACE HOPPER (Computer programming pioneer) _NEW YORK HEDY LAMARR (Frequency-hopping spread spectrum-GPS, bluetooth, wi-fi) _VIENNA WARSAW_city landscape
A series of 13 large-format portraits plus 2 wall murals for the office interiors of the international company Webinterpret located in Warsaw. A multi-level, extremely interesting project commissioned by an international company from the web commerce software segment, consisting in portraying 12 historical figures of scientists and inventors of key importance for the development of science and technology. Each of the portraits was placed on the glass walls of the 13 meeting room located in the office space. In addition, the meeting rooms were named after the cities from which the portrayed scientists came or were related, e.g. New York, Boston, Belgrade, and Warsaw as a portrait of the city on the glass of the company's canteen. Additionally, I designed 2 murals on the walls of the company: the first one at the reception desk is a work welcoming guests and contains the company's motto: Here Innovation Starts With You. Another mural, several meters long, visualizes various, key for the development of technology, according to company inventions. Here is a list of the portrayed characters with their most important scientific achievement: GUIDO VAN ROSSUM (Python language) _AMSTERDAM NIKOLA TESLA (Alternating current) _BELGRADE KONRAD ZUSE (The world's first programmable computer) _BERLIN JOHN MCCARTHY (Artificial intelligence AI) _BOSTON JOAN CLARKE (Code breaker, cryptoanalysis) _CAMBRIDGE Alexander G. Bell (telephone) _EDINBURGH LINUS TORVALDS (Linux) _HELSINKI ADA LOVELACE (Algorithm) _LONDON KEN THOMPSON (C programming language) _NEW ORLEAN GRACE HOPPER (Computer programming pioneer) _NEW YORK HEDY LAMARR (Frequency-hopping spread spectrum-GPS, bluetooth, wi-fi) _VIENNA WARSAW_city landscape
A series of 13 large-format portraits plus 2 wall murals for the office interiors of the international company Webinterpret located in Warsaw. A multi-level, extremely interesting project commissioned by an international company from the web commerce software segment, consisting in portraying 12 historical figures of scientists and inventors of key importance for the development of science and technology. Each of the portraits was placed on the glass walls of the 13 meeting room located in the office space. In addition, the meeting rooms were named after the cities from which the portrayed scientists came or were related, e.g. New York, Boston, Belgrade, and Warsaw as a portrait of the city on the glass of the company's canteen. Additionally, I designed 2 murals on the walls of the company: the first one at the reception desk is a work welcoming guests and contains the company's motto: Here Innovation Starts With You. Another mural, several meters long, visualizes various, key for the development of technology, according to company inventions. Here is a list of the portrayed characters with their most important scientific achievement: GUIDO VAN ROSSUM (Python language) _AMSTERDAM NIKOLA TESLA (Alternating current) _BELGRADE KONRAD ZUSE (The world's first programmable computer) _BERLIN JOHN MCCARTHY (Artificial intelligence AI) _BOSTON JOAN CLARKE (Code breaker, cryptoanalysis) _CAMBRIDGE Alexander G. Bell (telephone) _EDINBURGH LINUS TORVALDS (Linux) _HELSINKI ADA LOVELACE (Algorithm) _LONDON KEN THOMPSON (C programming language) _NEW ORLEAN GRACE HOPPER (Computer programming pioneer) _NEW YORK HEDY LAMARR (Frequency-hopping spread spectrum-GPS, bluetooth, wi-fi) _VIENNA WARSAW_city landscape
A series of 13 large-format portraits plus 2 wall murals for the office interiors of the international company Webinterpret located in Warsaw. A multi-level, extremely interesting project commissioned by an international company from the web commerce software segment, consisting in portraying 12 historical figures of scientists and inventors of key importance for the development of science and technology. Each of the portraits was placed on the glass walls of the 13 meeting room located in the office space. In addition, the meeting rooms were named after the cities from which the portrayed scientists came or were related, e.g. New York, Boston, Belgrade, and Warsaw as a portrait of the city on the glass of the company's canteen. Additionally, I designed 2 murals on the walls of the company: the first one at the reception desk is a work welcoming guests and contains the company's motto: Here Innovation Starts With You. Another mural, several meters long, visualizes various, key for the development of technology, according to company inventions. Here is a list of the portrayed characters with their most important scientific achievement: GUIDO VAN ROSSUM (Python language) _AMSTERDAM NIKOLA TESLA (Alternating current) _BELGRADE KONRAD ZUSE (The world's first programmable computer) _BERLIN JOHN MCCARTHY (Artificial intelligence AI) _BOSTON JOAN CLARKE (Code breaker, cryptoanalysis) _CAMBRIDGE Alexander G. Bell (telephone) _EDINBURGH LINUS TORVALDS (Linux) _HELSINKI ADA LOVELACE (Algorithm) _LONDON KEN THOMPSON (C programming language) _NEW ORLEAN GRACE HOPPER (Computer programming pioneer) _NEW YORK HEDY LAMARR (Frequency-hopping spread spectrum-GPS, bluetooth, wi-fi) _VIENNA WARSAW_city landscape
A series of 13 large-format portraits plus 2 wall murals for the office interiors of the international company Webinterpret located in Warsaw. A multi-level, extremely interesting project commissioned by an international company from the web commerce software segment, consisting in portraying 12 historical figures of scientists and inventors of key importance for the development of science and technology. Each of the portraits was placed on the glass walls of the 13 meeting room located in the office space. In addition, the meeting rooms were named after the cities from which the portrayed scientists came or were related, e.g. New York, Boston, Belgrade, and Warsaw as a portrait of the city on the glass of the company's canteen. Additionally, I designed 2 murals on the walls of the company: the first one at the reception desk is a work welcoming guests and contains the company's motto: Here Innovation Starts With You. Another mural, several meters long, visualizes various, key for the development of technology, according to company inventions. Here is a list of the portrayed characters with their most important scientific achievement: GUIDO VAN ROSSUM (Python language) _AMSTERDAM NIKOLA TESLA (Alternating current) _BELGRADE KONRAD ZUSE (The world's first programmable computer) _BERLIN JOHN MCCARTHY (Artificial intelligence AI) _BOSTON JOAN CLARKE (Code breaker, cryptoanalysis) _CAMBRIDGE Alexander G. Bell (telephone) _EDINBURGH LINUS TORVALDS (Linux) _HELSINKI ADA LOVELACE (Algorithm) _LONDON KEN THOMPSON (C programming language) _NEW ORLEAN GRACE HOPPER (Computer programming pioneer) _NEW YORK HEDY LAMARR (Frequency-hopping spread spectrum-GPS, bluetooth, wi-fi) _VIENNA WARSAW_city landscape
A series of 13 large-format portraits plus 2 wall murals for the office interiors of the international company Webinterpret located in Warsaw. A multi-level, extremely interesting project commissioned by an international company from the web commerce software segment, consisting in portraying 12 historical figures of scientists and inventors of key importance for the development of science and technology. Each of the portraits was placed on the glass walls of the 13 meeting room located in the office space. In addition, the meeting rooms were named after the cities from which the portrayed scientists came or were related, e.g. New York, Boston, Belgrade, and Warsaw as a portrait of the city on the glass of the company's canteen. Additionally, I designed 2 murals on the walls of the company: the first one at the reception desk is a work welcoming guests and contains the company's motto: Here Innovation Starts With You. Another mural, several meters long, visualizes various, key for the development of technology, according to company inventions. Here is a list of the portrayed characters with their most important scientific achievement: GUIDO VAN ROSSUM (Python language) _AMSTERDAM NIKOLA TESLA (Alternating current) _BELGRADE KONRAD ZUSE (The world's first programmable computer) _BERLIN JOHN MCCARTHY (Artificial intelligence AI) _BOSTON JOAN CLARKE (Code breaker, cryptoanalysis) _CAMBRIDGE Alexander G. Bell (telephone) _EDINBURGH LINUS TORVALDS (Linux) _HELSINKI ADA LOVELACE (Algorithm) _LONDON KEN THOMPSON (C programming language) _NEW ORLEAN GRACE HOPPER (Computer programming pioneer) _NEW YORK HEDY LAMARR (Frequency-hopping spread spectrum-GPS, bluetooth, wi-fi) _VIENNA WARSAW_city landscape
A series of 13 large-format portraits plus 2 wall murals for the office interiors of the international company Webinterpret located in Warsaw. A multi-level, extremely interesting project commissioned by an international company from the web commerce software segment, consisting in portraying 12 historical figures of scientists and inventors of key importance for the development of science and technology. Each of the portraits was placed on the glass walls of the 13 meeting room located in the office space. In addition, the meeting rooms were named after the cities from which the portrayed scientists came or were related, e.g. New York, Boston, Belgrade, and Warsaw as a portrait of the city on the glass of the company's canteen. Additionally, I designed 2 murals on the walls of the company: the first one at the reception desk is a work welcoming guests and contains the company's motto: Here Innovation Starts With You. Another mural, several meters long, visualizes various, key for the development of technology, according to company inventions. Here is a list of the portrayed characters with their most important scientific achievement: GUIDO VAN ROSSUM (Python language) _AMSTERDAM NIKOLA TESLA (Alternating current) _BELGRADE KONRAD ZUSE (The world's first programmable computer) _BERLIN JOHN MCCARTHY (Artificial intelligence AI) _BOSTON JOAN CLARKE (Code breaker, cryptoanalysis) _CAMBRIDGE Alexander G. Bell (telephone) _EDINBURGH LINUS TORVALDS (Linux) _HELSINKI ADA LOVELACE (Algorithm) _LONDON KEN THOMPSON (C programming language) _NEW ORLEAN GRACE HOPPER (Computer programming pioneer) _NEW YORK HEDY LAMARR (Frequency-hopping spread spectrum-GPS, bluetooth, wi-fi) _VIENNA WARSAW_city landscape