DGDC Podcast: Moving Forward With Courage

At Focus Lab, one of our core values is:
Lead With Courage

I had the pleasure of speaking with the @DGDC crew about "Courage" and how it relates to growing in your design career, pitching your work, etc, etc.

Items discussed include:
👉Tactical actions for better communication.
👉Pricing and confidence in asking for more.
👉Are you being authentic, putting your best foot forward?
👉How to battle “second-guessing” yourself.
👉Refreshing your business's collateral, marketing, and website to reflect this.
👉How do we instill courage with clients?
👉Helping them make the leap of faith.
👉The importance of the intangibles.

Give it a listen here...

P.S. There is also an EPIC @madebysidecar "Everything Free" coupon code mentioned in the show. 🥳

Note:This episode was spawned by a 2020 end-of-year card we made for our past and current clients. You can see the front + back of that card in the shot. ✨Proceed with Courage ✨


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Focus Lab + Odi
Global B2B brand experts.
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