Sa Sampler

SA Sampler is an audio sampling application developed with musician live-playing in mind.

I developed SA Sampler out of necessity, when a midi-controller I used to control sampling on stage stopped working before a gig. In a pinch, I whipped up a rudimentary sample control web-app which listened for key presses, and fired off the associated audio samples.

Over time, I found myself refining the project as I needed, adding volume control, mutes, sample-choking, etc. It became clear that a simple live sampling web-app would be a valuable utility to performers beyond just me, so I incorporated midi-compatibility, the ability for users to load their own samples, and an aesthetic familiar to musicians.

Visually, SA Sampler is designed to be reminiscent of popular midi-controllers, such as the Novation Launchpad, Livid Base II, or the Ableton Push – essentially a grid of pads to which the samples are assigned, visual feedback on activation, and a row of supplementary pads which modify primary pad functionality.

This application is still in early development. You can find a working demo of this project here:


Let's work together!

E-mail: [email protected]



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