Desafia la logica

First of all, thank you SO much for all the love I received yesterday. I feel extremely honored and happy for the partnership between @logitech and I. It was extremely weird and amazing to see myself among talented and passionate people during such a big event as the Super Bowl. I have never ever thought that I would have such incredible opportunities.

Sometimes is hard to understand why people are so supportive with me and my art because I always have that little voice inside my head that tells me that I am not good enough. Defying logic to me is really breaking through all those insecurities and fears because when you do that, it eventually leads you to something great. There is still so much for me to learn, but I just wanted to say that today I feel proud of what I have learned and created so far.

Thanks again for all the support! And thanks again @logitech for being amazing and believing in what I do. It really means a lot to me. ✨

Mercedes Bazan
Have a wonderful day!

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