Cinematicon - First prototype
Long-time back-end developer that has been lurking in the shadows, watching people like Dan launch amazing projects like Dribbble. I've finally decided to catch up a bit and learn more about launching products, front-end development, webdesign, branding etc.
I'm starting my journey with Cinematicon. I selected the seemingly easiest project from my list of ideas and decided to do everything from scratch and launch it as quickly as I possibly could.
This is the first version of the home page. I quickly lost myself in a maze of endless choices. Colors, fonts, layouts, modals ... where do you start? Been playing with dark backgrounds, lots of branding options etc. I lost a bit of time and decided to just launch and iterate on it.
Website online at:
n.b. Still just a proof of concept, lots of design-bits missing, features coming etc.
Built with: Python, Django, React, and Emotion.