Personal Website

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Firstly, sorry about the migraine I might have caused. 🙏😅🙏
I have finally launched my personal website   😬.
For the longest time, I have been looking at beautiful portfolio websites while gathering inspiration or randomly surfing different platforms.
One of those fine days, it triggered a thought. A portfolio website is supposed to help a potential employer/client in evaluating if the designer is the right fit for the job. But can a designer's work alone define that? We bring so much more than just our designs to the table. I have interfaced with people who are brilliant at what they do but very difficult to deal with. We collaborate with so many people in our everyday lives, Our daily interactions with someone are powerful enough to define how they feel the rest of the day. You could be someone who everyone loves to work with or someone who scares the bejesus out of people when paired on a task.
Just like in #theoffice
Everyone on the sales team can sell paper but would you want to spend your day with a Jim, a Dwight, or a Stanley?
And that's when I decided, I'll design myself a personal website that defines me as well as showcases my work.
This is just the V1 of this website, It's nowhere close to perfection but I'll be further evolving this in the coming time. 😊
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