
Hey Dribbblers!

Back again with a preview of what the chatting experience inside of Clava is going to look and feel like!

With Clava our goal is to provide a platform that allows Influencers to create an exclusive experience for their existing community.

These influencers do this by creating a groupchat inside of Clava. They then will create a Live Event inside their groupchat, this Live Event can be 15 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour long. Once you're live you can begin sharing the link to your groupchat with your community.

The best part about the groupchat is that only 1000 members can join and you have a user from your community will have to purchase a time pass (15 minutes, 30 mins or an hour) to get access to your groupchat. Every member that joins your groupchat you will make money off of!

This will encourage your community members to join quickly or have the fear of missing out of what an influencer might drop/share during this live and these influencers will collect revenue from each member they drive into their groupchat.

That why Clava is so special, it offers the opportunity for influencers to create hype/exclusivity around their brand but also get paid for interacting with their community.

The card at the top is Live Event information, it shows the time left on Influencer Live Event, what the Live Event is about and a URL you can interact with if needed.

Attached is an info deck explaining our product in more detail.

20 MB

More by AJ Picard

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