The Graveyard Ghouls

They say never walk through a cemetery at night, well it's because of these vengeful ghouls you shouldn't!

The popular kids wanted to play a cruel joke on the lamest kid in a school. They invited him to this Halloween party, drugged him, and dragged him to a cemetery. They proceeded to tie him up to a tree. Then they told him the dead bodies in the graveyard are his new friends.

They started laughing at him and started walking to the main entrance of the cemetery. Whilst his hands tied behind the tree, the kid noticed the grovel in front of a few tombstones started to separate itself. In a panicked fit, he managed to unravel the tied rope from around his hands and slither his way from the spot underneath the tree. He ran as fast as he could to the undertaker's quarters on the other side. The popular kids didn't even notice him passing them on the opposite side of where they were currently walking. When they reached the end of the pathway, they noticed the gate entrance from which they entered was chained and locked!

All of the sudden, one of the popular kids heard a drooling guttural growl from behind him. He turned around and screamed! The other kids turned around and saw five ghouls with red glowing eyes and dirt-filled skin walking towards them. The ghoul in front said, "We eat the human flesh of those who disturb our resting place!"

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Posted on Oct 29, 2020

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