Simplifying translations in the CMS

This project started when my team received a request from the translation department to help reduce the number of translation requests. They had a problem: they kept receiving a lot of translation requests for things that were already in the database of the content management system! Employees were sending new requests every time instead of using the existing translations available in the CMS.

After assessing the business needs, I conducted user research to discover the problem(s) and take a user-centred design approach. It turned out that the users actually did try to search for extant translations but were confused and overwhelmed by elements of the search page. If they had superhuman skills and were able to find a translation, the process to copy and use it in their content was complicated.

After understanding what and where the issues were, I designed a new search page, I simplified the user flow and the UX of the various screens in the CMS. I conducted follow up testing and further iteration. Finally, I collaborated with the in-house development team to deliver the final improvements to be rolled out.