There comes a personal emotional moment in everyone's life when you try to figure out what you want. But what exactly do you want, and not those who imposed these thoughts on you-public figures, media, stars, politicians, the Church. How difficult it has become in our time to understand your true desires and distinguish your dreams from others.
The further you dig, the more you realize that there is no meaning in life, everything is meaningless. There is no heaven or hell. Death itself is a subjective concept. And how can you live when the fear of death disappears, when everything ends after death? There is no point in work, love, study, success-nothing. And as soon as you understand this, remember. This is the day when life has lost all meaning. And then the most interesting thing happens, you need to learn to live with this knowledge. But how to do it?!
All the great thinkers say that life is meaningless, and you need to find your own meaning or create it. What's next? If you create your own meaning, what will change? It, too, will sink into oblivion, like everything else.
This does not mean that you need to die quickly to move on-no. Since we're here, it's obviously for something. You need to challenge life and find something worth living for. Something eternal that won't end or change.
Have you ever come home, plopped down on your bed, turned on the music, and sung as hard as you could? Not because it is necessary, but because the soul wants it. Or when in the evening, after work, you suddenly decide to take a walk in the Park. You go and feel the smell of fresh autumn and only one thought in your head-how delicious it is to live. Or before going to bed, when your thoughts are engrossed and you don't want to Wake up to a new day, you realize that you have a piece of yesterday's souffle left, and you Wake up impatiently early to enjoy it. You sit and understand-damn, that there are still moments in life for which you want to live!
So maybe that's the point? To give up the life challenge. Tell her Yes. Now I know you don't mean anything, but... I will not give up, I will live.
I will find the very things that are worth living for, enjoying them, living them, and knowing that everything is not in vain.

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