Yoga30 Logo Concept - Unused

Unused logo concept for an online service that provides subscribers full access to a range of yoga classes. Pushing Yoga30 into an entirely different visual direction, this logo pushes the brand into the same realm as LA Fitness, 24 Hour Fitness, etc. Positioning the brand as sporty and high energy allows us to emphasize the unique features of your brand and the services you offer. The inspiration behind the logotype relates back to the idea of Yoga30 standing for 30 minute classes, as the typography was based off of the digital clocks/timers used in most sports. One alternative idea is to design the logo to read yoga:30 as in :30 minutes on a clock. This would allow us to play up the efficiency and ease of the brand's services, attracting people with busy lives to dedicate 30 minutes to yoga every day in order to improve their lives without sacrificing time and energy they don't have.

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