LogoLounge Vol. 12

I’m honoured to have seven of my logos selected to appear in one of the most respected and best-selling logo book series in the world, LogoLounge Volume 12. This is the third consecutive edition that my work has been featured in, and every time it feels a bit surreal to have my work appear alongside so many talented designers the world over.

I have a fond and long-standing relationship with the LogoLounge books, ever since I picked up a copy of vol. 5 while in design school nearly a decade ago. To this day I still find myself running my fingers across the now very faded, dog-eared pages. Acknowledging how the work of these designers helped shape my early carrier in logo design and hopping my work may do the same.

A big thanks to this year's judging panel, Bill Gardner, and the entire LogoLounge team for all your hard work making this book series a reality.

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