Interstate 14
At first, I hope everyone had a great start in 2014!
It has been quiet for the last few months since I was busy due to school exams and Christmas time. Today I want to give a little preview of my plans for 2014.
2013 for sure has been a great year! I learned the basics of how to write a website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Furthermore I worked together with clients who were kind and uncomplicated. However, I try to achieve even more in 2014.
Last summer Freecns received a big update with lovely weather specific icons. The feedback was great and downloads increased incredibly. Since then I continuously worked on a new pack and so far, it turns out great! There are tons (yes, tons) of new icons and new styles. Right now I can not give further details but be prepared for something HUGE!
With that being said, I plan to make my website even more comfortable. For example, Freecns' website will be completely redesigned.
In addition I plan to open my own store. I look forward to upload several designs on Society6 within the coming months.
These are the plans for the next few months and I am pretty excited of how things will turn out!