Aurora Forecast iPhone App
After the news of a solar storm at the start of January and the increased probability of being able to view the Northern Lights I have been checking the forecast using this website:
Regularly checking the page to see the Kp reading and then checking the weather to see cloud cover I thought it would a nice idea to bring the elements I have been checking together in nicely presented app aimed at aurora chasers.
The homescreen shows the current Kp reading and weather conditions for your location. The Kp rating goes up to 9, the higher the rating the more the circular dial fills up.
The actual Kp readings tend to only be forecast for the current time and the following hour. The weather forecast however is a little more long range.
Swiping from right to left on the circle with the Kp reading will show conditions for the next hour.
Swiping from right to left on the weather will scroll through the weather for the next 12 hours
Pulling the entire screen down will refresh the screen to update to the most recent Kp reading.
It would be possible to search for and add / view other locations via a menu on the left.