Multiple Rates of Pay: User Flows
How users get through the multiple rates of pay and what happens on the back end
Laying out the flows for Multiple rates of pay
We worked through the user flows of this because this touched many touchpoints in many parts of the app, and there was not clear understanding in the beginning of the scope of work and which teams and product owners the work on this feature would touch.
We believe that building out the user flows before we build the product saves us time and confusion on a project of this scale that touches many parts of the products that live under many different product owners
The flows were being built to communicate across cross functional teams who were working on different parts of the product who would be impacted by this build. However the left hand didn't know what the right was doing so even though these were built a lot of the communication on specific tasks was lost
I set up a meeting cadence with all the product owners whose work I was touching with building this feature to keep in communication on work, deadlines and dependencies